* DISCLAIMER: These how-to videos are NOT a substitute for your authorized Electric Motion Dealer. Electric Motion USA recommends that all maintenance and repair work be carried out by an authorized Electric Motion Dealer. When in doubt, contact your EM Dealer.
How To: Remove/Swap ePure Battery
How To: Mount an Escape Kit on an ePure
How To: Change the Encoder
How To: Remove/Swap Escape Battery
How To: Install FRB Button
How To: Change the Rear Shock Spring
How To: Remove Rear Shock
How To: Swap Small Light Kit to Large Light Kit
How To: Change the Clutch Oil
How To: Install a Flywheel Weight
How To: Install the School Map
How To: Change the Controller
How To: Install PELS/PRB Lever
How To: Change the Battery Level Indicator
How To: Swap Large Light Kit to Small Light Kit
How To: Change the Clutch Discs
How To: Adjust Throttle Deadzone
How To: Adjust the Gear Gap
How To: Perform an Auto-Setting on an ePure
How To: Perform an Auto-Setting on an Escape
How To: Install PRB “R”